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In collaboration with Erik Voors I made this beautiful commercial for Greenpeace. We loved to work on the modelmaking, machine building, sfx, concepting and art direction. Also watch the making of video!
concept, art direction, sfx, modelmaking, directing:
Rein Janssen & Erik Voors
production: Chuck Studios
camera: Tom Bakker / Suraj 'Paco' Kumar
gaffer : Joost Meeuwig @ Prima de Lux
sfx assistent: Conor Vella
production assistent: Iris van der Velden
camera making of: Catching Lights
edit : Pim van der Pas @ MRTN Edit Boutique
grading: Tristen Mackenzie @ Chuck Studios
online/compositing: The Compound
music: Peter Sandberg @ Epidemic Sound
copy: Pieter van den Heuvel
sound design: Juan Pablo Thummler @ Wavestudios
voice over: Martin Leitner @ Wavestudios
special thanks to Olaf van Gerwen, Thijs Biersteker,
Loïs van Ruijven and Cor Meijerink
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